Post Installation Test 1 - Author-it On-Premises - Author-it

Author-it Development Documentation

The first test checks the log file for errors and ensures you can connect to the Authentication Service.

  • To View the Log File and Complete the Authentication Service Test:

  1. Open the folder containing the log files for your installation. The default locations are:

    • Author-it API Server: C:\Program Files\Author-it Software Corporation\Author-it API Server\Logs

    • Author-it API Server for IIS: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AuthoritAPI\Logs

  2. Locate and open the XML file (for example, AuthoritLogViewer-APIServer_2010-07-16-alg.xml). Then:

    • Check for any error messages (displayed in red). Make any corrections to the installation or setup if required.

    • Locate an entry checking the Authentication service. Copy the URL.

  3. Open a browser window and paste the URL removing the final reference to the service type. For example:

    • Author-it API Server: http://localhost:9098/Authentication

    • Author-it API Server for IIS: http://localhost/AuthoritAPI/Authentication.svc

    A successful test will display the Authentication Service page.

    APIIS Post Import Test