Manage Ribbon - Author-it On-Premises - Author-it

Author-it Development Documentation

The Manage ribbon contains groups with controls that you use to manage folders, set structured authoring rules, manage object variants, and perform other object-level administrative actions. Set the DeactivateUIControlArgs.ControlName property value to Manage to control the availability of the Manage ribbon in your control deactivation plugin.

The screen shot and list below show the names of controls on the Author Manage ribbon.

  1. CreateFolder

  2. RefreshFolders

  3. FolderProperties

  4. FolderRename

  5. Move

  6. DeleteFolder

  7. ObjectDuplicate

  8. ObjectReplace

  9. ObjectNewVersion

  10. ObjectMakeActive

  11. ViewOffline

  12. ViewOfflineRecursive

  13. CheckoutFolder

  14. DontCheckoutFolder

  15. Checkout

  16. DontCheckout

  17. ViewXML

  18. ViewXMLStylesheet

  19. SaveXMLToFile

  20. ZipAndSaveXML

  21. EmailXML

  22. ZipAndEmailXML

  23. Delete

  24. OpenWebsiteManager

  25. Aspect

  26. StructureBuilder

  27. CreateVariant

  28. EditVariant

  29. MakeVariant

  30. DeleteVariant

  31. Filter