Provides properties that enable you to add a control deactivation plugin to Author.
Example Code
The code below shows an example of using the DeactivateUIAddArgs and DeactivateUIControlArgs classes to implement a plugin that disables the Create Book button on the main form in Author.
using AuthoritExtensibility;
namespace Sample_ControlDeactivationPlugin
public class PluginManager : IPlugin
private AitApplicationProxy proxy;
public PluginManager(AitApplicationProxy hostProxy)
proxy = hostProxy; //Set the local proxy to the proxy passed by the host
DeactivateUIAddArgs disableArgs = new DeactivateUIAddArgs(); //Initiatilize the plugin arguments
disableArgs.OnClick = disableArgs_OnClick; //Set the launch point for the plugin
disableArgs.PluginName = "Deactivation Plugin"; //Set the name for the plugin
proxy.AddPluginToDeactivateUI(disableArgs); //Add the plugin to the host
public void disableArgs_OnClick(object sender, AuthoritEventArgs args)
DeactivateUIControlArgs controlArgs = new DeactivateUIControlArgs(); //Initialize the control deactivation arguments
controlArgs.ControlName = "CreateBook"; //Set the name of the control to deactivate
controlArgs.ControlType = UIControlType.RibbonButton; //Set the type of the control
controlArgs.DeactivationType = DeactivationType.Disabled; //Set the deactivation type
controlArgs.ParentForm = TargetForm.MainForm; //Set the form for the control
proxy.UIControlDeactivate(controlArgs); //Add the deactivation arguments to the host