A control deactivation plugin changes the availability of user interface controls in Author. You use the DeactivateUIControlArgs class to add a control deactivation plugin to Author.
You can use control deactivation plugins to simplify the Author for users based on group membership or to remove controls that you replace with your own plugin user interface.
The code below shows an example of using the DeactivateUIAddArgs and DeactivateUIControlArgs classes to implement a plugin that disables the Create Book button on the main form in Author.
using AuthoritExtensibility;
namespace Sample_ControlDeactivationPlugin
public class PluginManager : IPlugin
private AitApplicationProxy proxy;
public PluginManager(AitApplicationProxy hostProxy)
proxy = hostProxy; //Set the local proxy to the proxy passed by the host
DeactivateUIAddArgs disableArgs = new DeactivateUIAddArgs(); //Initiatilize the plugin arguments
disableArgs.OnClick = disableArgs_OnClick; //Set the launch point for the plugin
disableArgs.PluginName = "Deactivation Plugin"; //Set the name for the plugin
proxy.AddPluginToDeactivateUI(disableArgs); //Add the plugin to the host
public void disableArgs_OnClick(object sender, AuthoritEventArgs args)
DeactivateUIControlArgs controlArgs = new DeactivateUIControlArgs(); //Initialize the control deactivation arguments
controlArgs.ControlName = "CreateBook"; //Set the name of the control to deactivate
controlArgs.ControlType = UIControlType.RibbonButton; //Set the type of the control
controlArgs.DeactivationType = DeactivationType.Disabled; //Set the deactivation type
controlArgs.ParentForm = TargetForm.MainForm; //Set the form for the control
proxy.UIControlDeactivate(controlArgs); //Add the deactivation arguments to the host