Add a Button to the Main Form - Author-it On-Premises - Author-it

Author-it Development Documentation

Use the ToolbarAddArgs class to add a button on the main form. The screen shot below shows a button named Hello Plugin added to the XML and Data groups on the Manage ribbon in the Author book editor.

The code below is shows an example of adding the button plugin shown above.

public class PluginManager : IPlugin


private AitApplicationProxy proxy; //Create a class-scoped field for the proxy

public PluginManager(AitApplicationProxy applicationProxy)


proxy = applicationProxy; //Set the field to the proxy passed to the plugin

ToolbarAddArgs helloPluginButtonSmall = new ToolbarAddArgs(); //Initialize a new instance of the ToolbarAddArgs class

helloPluginButtonSmall.IconImage = Properties.Resources.debug_add_16; //Set the image to a resource in the assembly

helloPluginButtonSmall.OnClick = helloPluginButton_OnClick; //Set the OnClick event handler

helloPluginButtonSmall.PluginName = "Hello_Plugin_Small"; //Set the unique name for the button

helloPluginButtonSmall.TargetButtonName = "Hello\r\nPlugin"; //Set the display text for the button

helloPluginButtonSmall.TargetForm = TargetForm.MainForm; //Set the form for the button

helloPluginButtonSmall.TargetGroupName = "XML"; //Set the ribbon group for the button

proxy.AddPluginToToolbar(helloPluginButtonSmall); //Use the proxy to add the button

ToolbarAddArgs helloPluginButtonLarge = new ToolbarAddArgs(); //Initialize a new instance of the ToolbarAddArgs class

helloPluginButtonLarge.IconImage = Properties.Resources.debug_add_32; //Set the image to a resource in the assembly

helloPluginButtonLarge.OnClick = helloPluginButton_OnClick; //Set the OnClick event handler

helloPluginButtonLarge.PluginName = "Hello_Plugin_Large"; //Set the unique name for the button

helloPluginButtonLarge.TargetButtonName = "Hello\r\nPlugin"; //Set the display text for the button

helloPluginButtonLarge.TargetForm = TargetForm.MainForm; //Set the form for the button

helloPluginButtonLarge.TargetGroupName = "Data"; //Set the ribbon group for the button

proxy.AddPluginToToolbar(helloPluginButtonLarge); //Use the proxy to add the button


private void helloPluginButton_OnClick(Object sender, AuthoritEventArgs e)


//Plugin code goes here

