Troubleshooting Book Generator - Author-it Cloud

Author-it Plugins Guide


Possible cause


Cannot select an object in the Book Node Selections window.

The object is not a topic. You can only select topic objects.

The topic has the < AIT_BOOKGENERATOR_DUPLICATE> variable assigned with the value "Never".

Remove the variable assignment for that topic.

Cannot deselect an object in the Book Node Selections window.

The topic has the < AIT_BOOKGENERATOR_DUPLICATE> variable assigned with the value "Always".

Remove the variable assignment for that topic.

A message appears that states that you do not have sufficient permissions.

You do not have sufficient permissions to perform the duplication.

Change the Authorization settings.

The OK button is greyed out.

There is a mandatory variable assigned to the book.

You must enter a value to the variable to be able to continue.