Duplicate a Book with Book Generator - Author-it Cloud

Author-it Plugins Guide

Before you use the Book Generator you can select which topics within the book should always or never be duplicated.

  1. Assign the Always variable to (some of) the topics in the book.

    • Use the value Always if you always want to duplicate the topic.

    • Use the value Never if you never want to duplicate the topic.

    • Do not assign the value if you want to be free to choose to duplicate the topic or not.

  2. Make sure you have sufficient Authorization to use Book Generator in the folder in which the book is contained.

  3. Select the Book object you want to duplicate.

  4. Click the Book Generator button on the Manage tab.

    The Select topics window opens. On top of it, the Set book description and folder window allows you to:

    • Select the folder for the duplicated objects. Or create a new folder.

    • Define the description of the new book.

    • Define the print, web, help titles.

  5. Set a book description and the titles. To set the titles the same as the description, click the Synchronize button.

  6. Select a folder and click OK in the Output folder window.

  7. Select the topics you want to duplicate.

  8. Expand sub books in case you want to duplicate topics within a sub book.

  9. To remove a topic from the book structure, select Delete from the context menu.

  10. Change variable assignments as required.

  11. Click OK.

The resulting objects are created in the selected folder.