Author workstation requirements - Author-it Cloud

Author-it Cloud Requirements & Technical Summary

To run Author, your workstations require the following:

Support for Remote Desktop Protocol connections

  • Windows 11

This is required to open Author via a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client connection.

Microsoft RDP Version 10.2 or higher

Author-it Cloud uses a file to open Author via an RDP connection. To use the Author RDP file, your organization's firewall needs to allow the RDP access out on the following ports (check this with your IT department):

  • HTTPS : 443

Some corporate networks have firewalls and proxy servers that can block or filter outbound port 443 (HTTPS) traffic and this can cause issues keeping a stable connection to our RDP Solution. Our RDP Gateway addresses can be added to your networks proxy bypass list and a firewall rule added to allow direct HTTPS traffic to our gateway's address/IP to resolve this issue.

  • Gateway host names:

    • GX1:

    • GX2:

The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections require the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) for encryption. Remote Procedure Call over HTTP isn’t supported. If a workstations registry is hard-coded to set RDGClientTransport=1 (forcing the use of Remote Procedure Call over HTTP), that workstation won’t be able to connect to author via RDP.

Support for Network Level Authentication (NLA)

You can check if NLA is supported by running Windows' Remote Desktop Connection application, and checking its about details.

HTTPS and TLS encryption support

All web-based communication to the applications in Author-it Cloud are passed over HTTPS by using industry-standard 256-bit TLS 1.2 encryption. All RDP-based traffic is encrypted with TLS 1.2 128-bit encryption.

Any clients you use to access Author-it Cloud will need to support these encryption methods. Clients that don't support these encryption methods aren't permitted to make connections.