Author-it Cloud network requirements - Author-it Cloud

Author-it Cloud Requirements & Technical Summary

To use Author-it Cloud, your network must allow traffic on the following ports:



Browsing and using Author-it Cloud

TCP 443 outbound

Author-it Cloud responds via ephemeral ports.

Opening Author via a browser

TCP 443 outbound

Author-it Cloud responds via ephemeral ports.

Opening Author via RDP connection

TCP 443 outbound

Some corporate networks have firewalls and proxy servers that can block or filter outbound HTTPS traffic (TCP port 443) and this can cause issues keeping a stable connection to our RDP Solution. Our RDP Gateway addresses can be added to your networks proxy bypass list and a firewall rule added to allow direct HTTPS traffic to our gateway's address/IP to resolve this issue.

  • Gateway host names:

    • GX1:

    • GX2: